Can You Be Hypermobile but Not Flexible? 

a man on a ham curl machine

You’re not alone if you’ve ever been perplexed by the fact that your joints can bend in ways that make your buddies squirm, but you still find it difficult to perform a simple toe-touch stretch. It’s a confusing scenario, isn’t it? On one hand, you’ve got hypermobile joints that seem to have an impressive range […]

Do hypermobile people have less collagen?

The word collagen

When we talk about hypermobility, collagen often comes up as the first thing mentioned, after all, It’s the structural protein that holds our connective tissues together, so it’s natural to wonder: do hypermobile people have less collagen? Sectrum Disorders (HSD) and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) aren’t always associated with a lack of collagen. Rather, the […]

Do hypermobile people look younger?

A woman smiling

The question “Do hypermobile people look younger?” has come up repeatedly. It may appear like an odd observation at first, but there’s actually a lot more going on here than meets the eye when we look into the science of connective tissues, skin elasticity, and collagen. In this blog, we will delve into the intriguing […]

Double-Jointed Elbows: Understanding Hypermobility

A woman with a hypermobile arm hyperextending

Is it common for people to comment on your unusually bent elbows, calling you “double-jointed”? It’s a common expression, typically delivered with a blend of interest and laughter. However, “double-jointed” isn’t a term used in medicine. In the context of elbows, it can reveal a lot about our bodies’ adaptability, function, and struggles; it’s a […]

Scoliosis and Hypermobility

A blonde woman with scoliosis

People who experience both scoliosis and hypermobility often find themselves faced with a unique combination of symptoms and difficulties. Instability, chronic pain, exhaustion, and the constant struggle to maintain an upright posture when it feels like your body is fighting you. Finding a solution that works for both of your conditions can be a real […]

Wrist pain and hypermobility

A woman holding a painful wrist

Wrist pain is a pretty common struggle for many with hypermobility, particularly those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS).  Talk to anyone with hypermobility, or do a quick search on Reddit, and you will find some very common themes. Many describe a persistent struggle with pain and instability, particularly during activities that require wrist strength or repetitive motions, […]

Exercise Tips for Hypermobility

A table with an exercises resistant band, dumbbells, cup, and small green dumbbells on.

When it comes to anything related to hypermobility rehab/exercise, the internet can be full of really bad advice. It seems to only take a few finger scrolls through TikTok to find the “try this one exercise to heal hypermobility pain” videos, or any number of people stating things that fall far outside the realm of […]

Creatine Benefits for Hypermobility and EDS

The chemical bon fro creatine

There doesn’t seem to be a week that goes by without someone mentioning us or asking about supplements, along with which ones are best for hypermobility and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). As always, supplements should be something to “supplement” an already good diet, something we wrote extensively about in our hypermobility and diet article. However, supplements often […]

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the Impact of Medical Trauma

the listing of trauma in a dictionary page

Please click below if you would prefer to listen to this article on EDS and medical trauma. Living with a lifelong condition like Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) can be a daily challenge for many reasons. Whether chronic pain, intensive or invasive treatments, or anxiety, mark it. However, for many people with EDS, the day-to-day is only the […]

EDS Flare-Ups

A woman in a flare up comforting herself on a couch

Please click below if you would prefer to listen to this article on EDS and hypermobility flare-ups. Many people often say that Hypermobility/ Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is the gift that keeps giving. Unfortunately, it just so happens that the gifts it gives so readily do so in the form of EDS flare-ups, pain, and multiple systemic […]

Cortical Thickness in Understanding ASD and ADHD

A picture of a white brain drawing on a black background.

If you would prefer to listen to this article, please click below. Over the last few years, I have talked a lot about the prevalence of Neurodiversity within the hypermobile population. And to be honest, it’s very important to do so!   Most studies find that over 50% of participants with a diagnosis of Autism, attention deficit hyperactivity […]

Hypermobility and Exercise: Part 1

A woman performing Fibro rehab with a band across her shoulders

If you would prefer to listen to this article, please click below. If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve been on quite the journey with your hypermobile body over the last few years. You’ve probably heard it all before, the endless advice about building muscle to stabilise those wobbly joints. However, let’s be real, […]