Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the Impact of Medical Trauma

Please click below if you would prefer to listen to this article on EDS and medical trauma. Living with a lifelong condition like Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) can be a daily challenge for many reasons. Whether chronic pain, intensive or invasive treatments, or anxiety, mark it. However, for many people with EDS, the day-to-day is only the […]
Alexithymia and Chronic Pain

In the whirlwind of today’s ever-evolving world, isn’t it often the case that our emotional well-being takes a back seat amidst the relentless hustle? But here’s something to ponder: our emotional health, often overlooked, is actually a cornerstone of our overall well-being, influencing not just our mental state but our physical health as well. Now, […]
Childhood Adversities and Chronic Pain

Today, we’ve got a fascinating, if somewhat intense, discussion for you, based on a compilation of numerous scientific studies. It’s a topic that feels a bit heavy, and we want to handle it with all the care and respect it deserves. We’ll be exploring the connections between adverse childhood experiences—referred to as ACEs—and the later […]